Majestic Masterpiece – Weekly Photo Challenge

This message is so eloquently, majestically worded. Thanks bunches…..B

Prayers and Promises

MAJESTIC - Weekly Photo Challenge

God is higher than anything and anyone,
outshining everything you can see in the skies.
Who can compare with God, our God,
so majestically enthroned,
Surveying his magnificent
heavens and earth?
He picks up the poor from out of the dirt,
rescues the wretched who’ve been thrown out with the trash,
Seats them among the honored guests,
a place of honor among the brightest and best.
He gives childless couples a family,
gives them joy as the parents of children.
(Psalm 113:4-9 MSG)

Weekly Photo Challenge: Masterpiece


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Jesus Loves You

Heaven Can Wait

Child Piano Prodigy and The Canadian Tenors Perform Hallelujah from theremix on GodTube.

I just had to share this video of a young six year old accompanying the Canadian Tenors with their rendition of "Hallelujah”.  Also publicly recorded live on Oprah a couple of years back,  Celine Dion surprised the tenors as she sneaked out from behind the curtain as they were performing the same rendition (without boy).  What would the world be without music?  Do you know anybody, anyone at all, who doesn’t like some type of music?  One of God’s better creative ideas, yes?

I would love to hear back from people in the comments section.

How Much is Enough?

How Much is Enough?

Contentment: How Much Is Enough?

“It is not good to have everything one wants.” — Blaise Pasca

When we focus on what really matters, on what we and our children truly need, life becomes a whole lot simpler — and something as simple as a dirt pile suddenly becomes a whole lot of fun again.




Dealing With Chronic Pain

Dealing With Chronic Pain

Chronic pain

New blood test as biomarker for Fibro on the horizon?

Awareness, Education & Research

Awareness, Education & Research

Private Invisible Illnesses

An open door for those of every broken dream who passionately lift themselves up through any and every means possible.


O You of Little Faith

No matter how difficult it can prove to be, sometimes we

have to tell ourselves that we are somebody all of the time.

Somebody who loves, endures, cries and hopes.

Believe in the Truth, the Life, and the Way.

Jesus will

do the rest for you!

 CFS is a temporary disease. We will be

free from it

again one day. Say that to yourself each morning.

And when you place both feet unto the floor when

getting out of bed, remember, Satan is saying

“Oh no,

he/she is awake again!”

 Sending warm hugs to all of you hurting out there…….


A Christian’s Pathway To Peace & Joy

Only God Knows

For what seemed like a lifetime, I struggled fiercely through my decent into the depths of my soul when first blasted with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. I had lived through an outrageous amount of pain, emotionally and physically, knowing my insurmountable history of defeat, burden, anxiety and sorrow was all going to be recorded in the books as “In her earlier adult years”. However, God had other plans for me and to my disappointment and regret I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel for what seemed like an eternity…..

But what did “I” know about eternity? I had become a born-again Christian a couple of years before my decent into Hell. However, the extent of my Christian walk wavered on a see-saw. Not quite there and still clinging to my good times with friends, socializing in a night club with awesome music and many smiling faces. I also knew, after leaving my “EX” behind, mostly because of alcohol, my future choices would heavily impact my (Oh so wretched soul.) Was that the kind of life I wanted forever? It seemed like an eternity had passed before I was so very broken, I didn’t know if this Humpty Dumpty could be put back together again,  back up on the wall.

My determination to get through my extremely radical behaviors, in rebellion against all that had hurt me in my short life, emancipated me from taking my own life.  The time had at last arrived for me to spread my wings, feeling the essence of what true freedom meant.  Free from this world of sin, with Jesus holding my hand at all times.  I go nowhere without Jesus.  He, literally, became the world’s best husband, teacher, philosopher and father.  God blessed me with outstanding true Christian brothers and sisters in His Love.  One cannot ever know this power unless or until you are “Born Again.”  It literally feels like your skin is being stripped of its crusty broken old shell, with a shining light of radiance within, much like the caterpillar shedding its unwanted skin.  I don’t believe there is a single soul on earth ready to admit they don’t love a beautiful, soft, carefree butterfly showing off her beauty for just moments, for our eyes, heart and soul to become enlightened in the spirit, the one and only Creator, God.

Please pick segment of Causes and Cures: A Christian’s Pathway to Peace and Joy.  Perhaps Jesus led you to my reading…..

Upcoming Events

July 2013

Courage Times Three

Lunch: 11am - 2pm
Dinner: M-Th 5pm - 11pm, Fri-Sat:5pm - 1am

Hours & Info

Lunch: 11am - 2pm
Dinner: M-Th 5pm - 11pm, Fri-Sat:5pm - 1am